Can You Get a Plus Size Abdominoplasty?
Written by Dr. Smita Ramanadham. Posted in Blog.
For many years, it was a general rule among plastic surgeons that if a patient had a BMI over 30 or 31, they would not be a good candidate for plus size tummy tuck surgery.
Today, this is all changing. A new term — coined largely by patients themselves — is being used for tummy tucks that are performed on plus size patients: plus size tummy tuck.
“Plus size tummy tucks” are becoming increasingly common, and they’re helping non-traditional tummy tuck patients improve their comfort, confidence, and overall health.
Let’s take a look at what the tummy tuck procedure entails and what considerations we make during the evaluation process.
Yes. Plus size patients can get plus size abdominoplasty. Like all patients, however, they will be evaluated carefully before being able to schedule their tummy tuck surgery.
Call it an overweight obesity or an overweight plus size abdominoplasty, at the heart of the procedure we’re discussing is the goal of reducing excess skin and extra-abdominal fat. In the case of plus size patients, we’re simply discussing this goal for patients who are over the 20 to 30 pound “ideal weight” range.
Because these patients do not fall within the traditionally accepted weight parameters for plus size candidacy, they must be more carefully evaluated in terms of their health.
Basically, your surgeon will be looking at your general health, your habits (Do you smoke? Do you drink?), and how your body weight is distributed. If they believe it will be possible and safe, most plastic surgeons have no problem scheduling liposuction surgery for plus size patients.
The term “plus size” is not easy to define because it naturally means different things to different people. When talking about plus size patients in the plastic surgery sense, we’re generally talking about patients who weigh over the 30-pound “ideal” weight range for their age, height, sex, and body type. Again, however, this range can vary depending on multiple factors.
In most situations in life, weight doesn’t matter. But when it comes to a tummy tuck, we do need to have some sort of gauge for how to assess patients in terms of their weight. That’s because there is hard evidence supporting the fact that overweight and obese patients often have more complications during and after invasive surgery.
A tummy tuck is an example of an invasive surgery, and especially because it is an elective surgery, it’s important that we don’t put patients at unnecessary risk. We are only taking our patients’ weight into account for their safety and wellbeing.
When a patient schedules a consultation for a plus size abdominoplasty and they are clinically considered overweight, obese, or plus size, we look at a few different factors to determine their candidacy for surgery. These are not much different from the considerations we make for all patients. We consider their:
Any patient with serious medical issues that may further complicate their wellbeing during surgery or their ability to heal after surgery may not be eligible for a plus size abdominoplasty. Patients with poorly controlled diabetes or other ongoing illnesses may not be considered.
Smoking Status
Patients who are overweight or obese and who smoke may not be considered as smoking is another risk factor for potential surgical complications.
Weight Loss History
Often, patients have worked hard to lose a considerable amount of weight before coming to see a plastic surgeon. Sometimes, they’ve already lost 50, 100, or even 150 pounds or more. When they meet with us, they are often troubled by excess abdominal skin, which is preventing them from continuing exercising.
When all other factors are accounted for and they are in good general health, we will do our best to accommodate these patients.
A plus size abdominoplasty may help them remove excess skin so that they can continue on their weight loss journey and get out of their plateau.
Fat Distribution
All people carry their weight differently. There is no such thing as a “typical” body shape. That’s why we also take fat distribution and overall body shape into consideration when looking at tummy tuck candidacy.
If the majority of a patient’s excess weight is located in their thighs or buttocks, for example, this will be less likely to interfere with a tummy tuck or the healing process.
If a lot of fat is located in the abdomen, completely covering the abdominal muscles, this may hinder our ability to perform the tummy tuck procedure safely and effectively.
If the patient has loose abdominal muscles or exceedingly stretched abdominal muscles, it may not be possible to access them in order to tighten them and create a flatter tummy. Muscle repair is usually a part of most tummy tucks. In addition, body contouring procedures such as liposuction can remove excess fat alongside the removal of excess skin.
There is also the case of intra-abdominal fat and extra-abdominal fat. Intra-abdominal fat (also known as visceral fat) sits around the organs and cannot be reduced through liposuction. Extra-abdominal fat sits closer to the skin, above the abdominal muscles, and is what we remove when we perform liposuction. The more intra-abdominal fat a patient has, the less likely it will be that a tummy tuck will be safe.
General Mentality About Surgery
Finally, patients must have reasonable expectations about surgery. For plus size patients, it can certainly be possible to reduce excess skin and remove some excess fat. However, if a patient has a BMI of 39 or 40, for example, it is simply not possible to bring them down to a body mass index of 23 or 24.
Unfortunately, some patients may come in with wish pictures of considerably slimmer individuals. If they expect drastic results such as these, they may simply not have the right mindset for surgery at this time.
Plus size Abdominoplasty Questions and answers
Can you get a full tummy tuck if you are plus size?
Absolutely. Plus size patients are indeed eligible to undergo a tummy tuck procedure specifically designed for their needs. However, as with any patient, a thorough evaluation will be conducted before scheduling the surgery.
Whether referred to as an overweight, obese, or plus size abdominoplasty, the central objective of the procedure is to address excess loose skin and surplus fat in the abdominal area.
How much weight does a plus size Abdominoplasty remove?
Standard Tummy tuck after major weight loss or bariatric surgery can often remove 25-75 lbs of excess hanging skin folds.
Can you get a tummy tuck at 300 pounds?
Although there are no strict weight requirements for a tummy tuck process, most cosmetic surgeons adhere to certain guidelines. Typically, if your body mass index is below 35, you are within approximately 30% of your ideal weight, and you are in good overall health, you should be considered a suitable candidate for a plus size abdominoplasty.
Can you get a tummy tuck with a big belly?
Yes, you can achieve safe tummy tucks for larger individuals with experienced board-certified plastic surgeons. These are tailored for those who have undergone massive weight loss or are overweight.
How much weight is removed with plus size abdominoplasty?
When you opt for full or extended tummy tucks to remove excess skin and fat, with liposuction, you can see a potential 5–10 pound reduction, enhancing abdominal contours.
How many sizes do you drop after a tummy tuck?
After removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen, patients may notice weight and clothing size reduction. Typically, individuals shed 2-3 sizes post-tummy tuck, though results vary.
Overweight and obese patients can often get a new lease on life with help from a plus size abdominoplasty. If you are in otherwise good health and have realistic expectations about tummy tuck surgery, make a consultation appointment with our office to see if you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck procedure and possibly liposuction to get rid of any unwanted excess fat.
If you still want to lose weight first, removing excess loose skin and tissue can be a huge step forward. It often helps patients get over a “plateau” when they lose weight that is mostly made up of skin and tissue. They are able to get a well-earned confidence boost so that they can continue exercising and taking care of themselves.
We would love to help you move forward in your healthy lifestyle and achieve the aesthetic goals you’re after with cosmetic surgery. Make a consultation appointment with Dr. Smita Ramanadham today!