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What to Know About Blepharoplasty Before and After

What to Know About Blepharoplasty Before and After

If you feel your eyes look tired all the time or they’re making you appear older than you really are, blepharoplasty surgery may be the answer. This is because in many such cases, it is sagging upper and/or lower eyelids that are dragging down your face and causing premature aging.

What Can Blepharoplasty Do?

Fortunately, blepharoplasty surgery can gently and naturally tighten the skin and muscle surrounding the eyes, removing excess skin and fat, and rejuvenating your appearance. Whether you have been considering eyelid surgery for a long time or the idea has just occurred to you, the more you know about blepharoplasty before and after, the better off you’ll be.

Booking a Consultation

Of course, all patients can learn so much at a consultation appointment with a board certified plastic surgeon who performs blepharoplasty. But for now, let’s simply go over the basics of what you can expect during the lead up to surgery and during blepharoplasty recovery.

How to Prepare Before and After Blepharoplasty

If you plan to undergo eyelid surgery blepharoplasty, it’s important that you understand the importance of preparation. In fact, this true when undergoing any plastic surgery procedure.

By doing your research and preparing ahead of time, you set yourself up for success. Below, we’ll outline how to prepare for either an upper or lower blepharoplasty procedure before and after.

What to Expect Before Blepharoplasty lower blepharoplasty before and after

Before surgery to your lower or upper eyelids, you’ll need to meet with your surgeon. Be sure to choose a board certified plastic surgeon and one who specializes in facial plastic surgery, including surgery to the lower and upper eyelids.

Meeting with Your Surgeon

You will meet with your surgeon for a consultation appointment to discuss your desired outcome, what’s troubling you the most about your current eyelids, and any concerns or questions you may have. Be sure that you find a plastic surgeon who is not only board certified, but who you also feel very comfortable with.

Booking a Surgery Date

After establishing a date for your lower or upper eyelid ptosis repair, hooded upper eyelids, monolids, or whatever other issue is troubling you, it’s time to start preparing for surgery.

Preparing for Surgery

Eat a healthy diet, and exercise regularly. If you smoke, stop prior to surgery. Avoid too much alcohol or salt, and start consuming more protein. If you have questions, be sure to ask them now! You’ll also want to prepare for the bilateral upper lid blepharoplasty or lower blepharoplasty recovery period. Here’s what to do.

What to Expect After Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty recovery is generally well tolerated by patients. But do keep in mind that you may have blurry vision, dry eyes, soreness, swelling, bruising, and other side effects that will make it difficult to carry out your normal daily activities.

Tips for Recovery

To help you during the recovery process for lower or upper eyelid surgery (lower or upper blepharoplasty procedure), we recommend doing the following before your procedure:

  • Set up healthy meals and snacks.
  • Prepare a comfortable recovery space.
  • Get assistance with pets and children.
  • Ask for someone to drive you home after surgery.
  • Pick up your prescriptions beforehand.
  • Prepare to wear glasses instead of contact lenses.
  • Prop your bed up so that you can sleep with your head elevated.
  • Plan some activities that don’t require too much vision.

Expect Poorer Vision at First

Especially if you underwent upper blepharoplasty especially, your vision may be slightly blurry or challenged during the recovery period. Fortunately, after skin removal, you should be able to see even better in time.

upper blepharoplasty before and afterFAQ: Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty Before and After

How much is eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery cost can vary based on location (city and state), surgeon choice, whether you need upper or lower blepharoplasty, the scope of your particular surgery, and other factors. No two surgeries are totally alike.

Therefore, we ask that you book a consultation appointment if you need more information about pricing. At your appointment, we would be happy to review your goals, assess your current eyelids, and present you with an estimated blepharoplasty cost.

What will my eyes look like 1 year after blepharoplasty?

Your eyelids should be completely healed one year after undergoing eyelid surgery.

While you will have very faint scars where incisions were made, they should hardly be noticeable, especially because upper blepharoplasty scars are located within the eyelid crease. Therefore, whenever your eyes are open, you won’t be able to see them. Other symptoms like residual swelling should also be gone by this time, and you should be enjoying your amazing results!

To get a better idea of what your results may look like after surgery, we recommend that you look up some lower or upper blepharoplasty before and after photos, depending on which procedure you underwent.

What are eyelid surgery risks?

While complications from eyelid surgery are rare, they can occur, so it’s important to know about them beforehand. Most potential complications have a risk of occurring directly after surgery. These include bleeding, infection, pain and soreness, or eye issues such as dry eye or blurry vision.

Some of these side effects (dry eye and blurry vision, for example) may be inevitable during the initial hearing process, but they should clear up with time. If you have more serious issues such as infection or bleeding, these will need to be addressed by your surgeon.

Most of the time, blepharoplasty risks are nothing to be concerned about because nearly all eyelid surgeries are successful and safe. Still, it’s good to be aware of what to look for in the event that you do run into problems.

What celebrities have undergone eyelid surgery?

While you can always easily find celebrity blepharoplasty before and after pictures online, it’s not always clear whether these are accurate or not. Still, celebrities do commonly employ cosmetic surgery procedures to make themselves appear younger and more attractive.

In terms of blepharoplasty, some celebs who may have undergone this surgery include Tom Cruise, Kylie Jenner, Blake Lively, Jennifer Lawrence, and Renee Zellweger.

Call to Arrange a Consultation Appointment

Have bags beneath your eyes or a sagging lower eyelid? What about drooping upper eyelids? A right or left upper eyelid that is hindering your vision?

The lower and upper eyelid skin is delicate and can show wrinkles and fine lines before anywhere else on the face. Droopy upper eyelids are actually quite common, especially as we age. Fortunately, with just a small surgery to the lower or upper eyelid, we can help turn everything around for you.

Meet with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Smita Ramanadham to find out more about eyelid surgery and whether this may be a good procedure for you. Dr. Smita would be delighted to discuss your goals for surgery and make recommendations as you move forward.

Please contact us at your earliest convenience to schedule a consultation appointment.


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