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How to Look at Tummy Tuck Before and After Photos

Tummy Tuck Before And After

As soon as most patients begin to seriously consider tummy tuck surgery, the first thing they do is look up tummy tuck before and after photos. It’s only natural. You want to see what you could look like if you underwent this procedure.

However, the problem that some patients face when perusing these photos is that they don’t know exactly what they should be looking for. So, to help you learn how to view either female or male tummy tuck before and after photos in a more helpful way, we’ve created the following list of tips. Use this as a guide to help you choose the right surgeon and get the tummy tuck results you truly desire and deserve.

Top Tips for Assessing Before and After Abdominoplasty Photos

#1 – Know the difference between recent and final results.

It’s usually ideal to see “final” tummy tuck results — that is, “after” pictures that are taken at least six months to a year post-surgery. Some surgeons take their “after” pictures sooner, and this can leave a false impression of what you may look like after a significant amount of time has passed.

If photos are taken more recently than six months, simply note that results should be even more improved as time passes. If you have questions about the timeframe, be sure to inquire.

#2 – Lighting, angles, and body positions are important.

The best before and after tummy tuck photos are taken in bright, clear light (but not blown out) so that you can see all details of the pictures. Each patient should be in front of a flat solid background for easy contrast, and their body should be in the same position both before and after (arms out to the side or in front of them, for example).

Photos should be taken from the exact same distance and angle in both the before and after series. So, you should see the patient from the front, side (flanks), and back at least.

#3 – Find patients like you who underwent the surgery you want.

As you first start looking at pictures filter cases by gender and type of surgery, when possible. Women should look at female before and after tummy tuck photos. Men should look at male before and after tummy tuck photos.

Likewise, if you’re only hoping to get a mini tummy tuck, filter the pictures so that you see mini tummy tuck before and after photos only. Most plastic surgeon’s websites will allow you to do this in some way.

As a final note, be sure that if you only want a tummy tuck to tighten and shape your abdomen, you’re not looking at photos of patients who possibly underwent additional surgeries, such as a BBL (Brazilian butt lift for buttocks enhancement) or breast augmentation. If you don’t undergo these surgeries, you, of course, can’t achieve additional results in these areas.

#4 – Look for the signs of a good tummy tuck.

With a successful tummy tuck, you should (of course) like the overall results. In other words, the “after” photos should look better than the “before” photos!

Loose abdominal skin should be smoothed out (but not naturally tight), and excess abdominal fat should be removed where possible. Ideally, you should see fewer stretch marks.

The incision site or scar (depending on when the “after” photos were taken) should be flattened out and smooth — not too jagged or excessively large or noticeable. And, overall, the patient should have a more attractive, smooth and natural-looking silhouette.

#5 – Remember that you are unique, and have realistic expectations.

Lastly, keep in mind that each patient seeking plastic surgery is in a unique position. You are unique and your results will be different from other patients.

This means that if you are a guy and you see a tummy tuck before and after male patient, for example, who looks like you and who has achieved results you either love or greatly dislike, this does not mean that this will be your outcome. Or, similarly, just because one patient’s hourglass tummy tuck before and after results are a certain way, this doesn’t mean yours will turn out the same.

Go into your tummy tuck consultation appointment with an open mind. Be honest with your plastic surgeon, and be realistic about what surgery can achieve for you.

Q&A: Tummy Tuck Surgery

Who should not get a tummy tuck?

Tummy Tuck Before And After MaleNot everyone qualifies for a tummy tuck, nor is this the best surgery for everyone with aesthetic concerns in the abdomen area.

Candidates with specific health issues or unrealistic expectations may not be suitable for a tummy tuck. In addition, if you have mostly excess fat (instead of excess skin) on your abdomen, liposuction may be the preferable procedure.

How painful is tummy tuck surgery?

The tummy tuck procedure itself is not painful because anesthesia is used. You may experience discomfort during your tummy tuck recovery, however — especially in the initial days after surgery. Fortunately, your surgeon will provide effective pain management to ensure a more comfortable recovery.

When can I sleep on my side?

You’ll need to sleep according to your surgeon’s specific instructions after tummy tuck surgery. You can typically go back to sleeping on your side a few weeks post-surgery, but remember that you must first get approval from your surgeon.

How much weight is typically lost with a tummy tuck?

While a tummy tuck primarily addresses excess skin and loose abdominal muscles, the amount of weight loss varies. Remember that this is not a weight loss surgery.

How much does a tummy tuck cost?

Tummy tuck surgery costs a significant amount. After all, it is major surgery that must be performed by a well-trained and experienced surgeon.

Ultimately, the average cost of tummy tuck surgery will vary surgeon by surgeon. Every patient is unique, and different plastic surgeons charge different amounts, so make consultation appointments to get accurate quotes.

Also remember that insurance does not cover this procedure. Despite many patients thinking that diastasis recti may be covered after multiple pregnancies, for example, most health insurance providers do not cover any surgeries that primarily improve appearance. Of course, you can always inquire about what requirements and age provider health insurance companies require for coverage if you prefer.

Can men get tummy tuck surgery?

Yes. Tummy tuck surgery is a plastic surgery that is male female, meaning both men and women can qualify.

How long do tummy tucks last?

Tummy tuck results are long-lasting provided that patients maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow a healthy diet and regular exercise plan. Drastic weight fluctuations and/or pregnancy after tummy tuck can change your results.

Book a Consultation With Dr. Smita Today

Mini Tummy Tuck Before And AfterAre you ready to take the next step toward abdominoplasty and get rid of the excess skin and stretch marks that have been holding you back from living your best life?

It’s time to book a consultation appointment with female board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Smita Ramanadham. Call today to schedule your appointment.


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