Gynecomastia – Patient #1
This is our 20 year old male patient that came to our office with concerns about his chest. Read more
Gynecomastia – Patient #2
This patient is a 38M desiring chest contouring.
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Breast Lift With Implant – Patient #1
38 year old female patient with Left Breast Mastopexy and Augmentation with 285 Sientra Moderate Plus Profile and Right Breast Augmentation with 305 Sientra Moderate Plus Profile.
Breast Lift With Implant – Patient #2
This is our sweet 28-year-old female patient that came to see Dr. Smita to improve the fullness and appearance of her breasts. 350cc Sientra moderate plus implants were used and placed under the muscle
Breast Lift With Implant – Patient #3
36 year old female patient with 385cc Sientra Silicone Moderate Plus Profile. She is over 1 year from surgery and is thrilled with her results.
Breast Lift With Implant – Patient #4
60 year old female patient with 385cc Sientra Silicone Smooth Round Moderate Profile. She underwent a breast lift with Sientra 385cc silicone implants placed under the muscle.
Breast Lift With Implant – Patient #5
43 year old female patient with 355cc Sientra Silicone Moderate Profile. This patient underwent a breast lift with 355cc silicone implants.
Breast Lift With Implant – Patient #6
53 year female who was interested in replacing her breast implants and achieving an improved appearance and contour. Patient had a Breast lift and placed Mentor 350cc silicone implants.
Breast Lift With Implant – Patient #7
57yr old female patient who was interested in replacing her breast implants. Patient had a Breast lift and placed 540cc silicone implants.
Breast Lift With Implant – Patient #8
31 yr old female patient who was interested in having a breast lift with implants. Patient placed 375cc silicone implants.
Breast Lift With Implant – Patient #9
44 yr old female patient who was interested to improve the fullness and appearance of her breasts. 325cc Sientra moderate plus implants were placed under the muscle.
Breast Lift With Implant – Patient #10
40 yr old female patient who was interested to improve the fullness and appearance of her breasts. 355cc Sientra moderate plus implants were placed under the muscle.
Breast Lift With Implant – Patient #11
35 yr old female patient who was interested to improve the fullness and appearance of her breasts. Mentor saline implants were used and placed under the muscle.
Breast Reduction – Patient #1
This beautiful patient is a 30 year old female. Patient is 5’6” with a weight of 200lbs.
Breast Reduction – Patient #2
This gorgeous patient is a 49 year old female who is 140lbs at 5’4”.
Breast Reduction – Patient #3
This lovely patient is a 21 year old female who desires a breast reduction procedure. This patient is 145lbs at 5’3”.
Breast Reduction – Patient #4
This lovely patient is a 49yr old female patient who received a breast reduction. This patient is 155lbs at 5’2”.
Breast Reduction – Patient #5
This lovely patient is a 23yr old female patient reduction who received a breast reduction. This patient is 180lbs at 5’3”.
Breast Reduction – Patient #6
This patient is a 53 year old female who desired smaller perkier breasts while maintaining a proportional size to her frame.
Breast Reduction – Patient #7
This patient is a 58 year old female who was tired of her breasts feeling heavy and her bra creating grooves in her shoulders.
Breast Reduction – Patient #8
This patient was a 58 year old female who was tired of her breasts feeling heavy and her bra creating grooves in her shoulders.
Breast Reduction – Patient #9
This wonderful 54 year old patient sought a breast reduction to address the pain she had been experiencing in her neck, shoulders, and back due to the size of her breasts.
Breast Augmentation – Patient #1
Patient stated that she is unhappy with her breast size and would like for them to have more volume & fullness.
Breast Augmentation – Patient #2
Patient stated that she is unhappy with the look of her breasts after pregnancy.
Breast Augmentation – Patient #3
36 year old female patient with 385cc Sientra Silicone Smooth Round Moderate Plus,
Breast Augmentation – Patient #4
43 year old female patients with 400cc Mentor Silicone Smooth Round Moderate Profile Xtra
Breast Augmentation – Patient #5
21 year old female patient with 350cc Sientra Saline Round Moderate Profile.
Breast Augmentation – Patient #6
33 year old female patient with 325cc Sientra Silicone Round Moderate Profile
Breast Augmentation – Patient #7
This beautiful 44 year old patient is here to discuss her interest in breast augmentation that would take her from a B cup to a small C cup.
Breast Augmentation – Patient #8
49 yr old female patient with mentor smooth round mod plus silicone 250
Breast Augmentation – Patient #9
38 yr old female patient with 285cc Sientra smooth round mod profile implant.
Breast Augmentation – Patient #10
This beautiful 22 year old patient is here to inquire about a breast augmentation procedure. This patient weighs 117lbs at 5’3”.
Breast Augmentation – Patient #11
This beautiful 35yr old patient chose 300cc Sientra implants.
Breast Augmentation – Patient #12
28yr old patient 300cc Sientra Silicone Smooth Round High Profile implant
Breast Augmentation – Patient #13
25yr old patient 315cc Sientra Silicone Smooth Round Xtra High Profile implant
Breast Augmentation – Patient #14
20yr old patient Mentor Saline Smooth Round Moderate Profile implant
Breast Augmentation – Patient #15
38yr old patient Mentor Saline Smooth Round Moderate Profile implant
Breast Augmentation – Patient #16
35yr old patient Mentor Saline Smooth Round High Profile implant
Breast Augmentation – Patient #17
24yr old patient an A cup and would like to be a C cup
Breast Augmentation – Patient #18
Dr. Smita and the patient chose the ideal implant to suit her needs.
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Breast Augmentation – Patient #19
Dr. Smita and the patient chose an implant for a natural, flattering result.
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