Chin liposuction in New Jersey reduces fat under the chin and upper neck. Double Chin liposuction can enhance the appearance by removing submental fullness – which can often make us appear older or heavier than we actually are. Dr. Smita can perform liposuction in this area to recontour the lower angles of the face for a refined and rejuvenated appearance.
What is Chin Liposuction?
Chin liposuction, also known as submental liposuction, offers dramatic results to greatly improve the contours of the jawline and neck.
Although it is called chin liposuction, the procedure aims to remove fat from the entire area beneath the neckline, revealing a more defined face and neck silhouette altogether.
Some of the issues that are treated include:
- A double chin
- Unwanted fullness beneath the chin
- An undefined neck
- Jowls
- Neck wrinkles
Patients may struggle with these issues due to aging, weight gain and loss, or as a result of their natural anatomy. Some people who have a double chin may have an underlying bone structure that contributes to the problem.
Dr. Smita can determine if this is the case for you during her evaluation of your face and neck at your consultation appointment.
Smita R. Ramanadham, M.D.– Female Plastic Surgeon
Following a highly successful academic journey at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, MA, she is thrilled to have returned to her home state.
Dr. Ramanadham honed her skills in plastic and reconstructive surgery at the distinguished University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas, TX, which has been nationally recognized as the leading institution in plastic surgery by Doximity. During her training, she had the privilege of working under the guidance of the world’s foremost experts.
She actively contributes as a valued member of The Aesthetic Society, an esteemed society that represents the most accomplished group of aesthetic plastic surgeons. Additionally, she is an active participant in the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), where she cherishes the opportunity to advance the field of plastic surgery on a larger scale. Within the ASPS, she serves on several national committees, including Women Plastic Surgeons, Young Plastic Surgeons Steering Committee, Curriculum Committee, Social Media Subcommittee, Wellness Task Force, and Coding and Payment Policy Committee.

Double Chin Liposuction Procedure
Chin liposuction can be performed using general anesthesia or with local anesthesia while the patient is under twilight sedation.
All patients are unique, which means each surgery is unique. However, most procedures follow the same standard pattern:
- Dr. Smita will meet with you before the procedure to answer your questions and mark your skin for her reference in the operating room.
- You will be taken to the operating room, lying back comfortably.
- You will be sedated according to the arrangements you and Dr. Smita previously decided upon.
- Smita will inject a numbing solution into the area to be treated.
- She will then make small incisions where the fat deposits are to be removed. These incisions will be so small that they will be hardly noticeable after healing.
- Using a thin metal tube called a cannula, Dr. Smita will agitate the fat beneath your chin, breaking it up so that it becomes easier to remove.
- With the aid of an attached vacuum pump, the excess chin and neck fat will be suctioned out.
- The incisions will be closed up, and the proper dressings will be applied to your neck and chin.
- You will be taken to a recovery room where you will stay for a short while before being discharged to go home.
Liposuction Under Chin Benefits
There are a number of reasons why individuals may struggle with excess fat beneath their chin. Often, the issue has to do with genetics. Certain people may be predisposed to fat deposits under the chin and on the neck.
Other individuals may struggle with excess fat beneath their necks due to weight gain and/or loss throughout their lives. Fat has a tendency to stick around in unwanted places sometimes. Despite even the most concerted efforts, it can be impossible to ultimately reduce fat in the chin and neck area. Likewise, the skin is often stretched during periods of weight gain and may have trouble “bouncing back” if the weight is then lost again, which can contribute to excess fullness beneath the neck.
There are many benefits for these individuals. These include:
- A more-defined jawline: Patients will benefit from a well-defined jawline and a slimmer facial profile overall. The face will appear slimmer from both the side and front.
- Limited pain: Although there will be a short period of discomfort following the procedure, of all cosmetic procedures offered by Dr. Smita, chin liposuction is one of the least painful.
- Short downtime: Most patients feel “back to normal” in less than a week.
- Invisible scars: Although there will be incisions made during this procedure (which means there will be scars), the scarring will be limited because the incisions are so extremely small.
- Minimal recovery side effects: In general, recovery is not intense. Although there will be some swelling and bruising, it will be minimal.
- Improved self-confidence: Patients who struggle with a double chin and excess fat beneath their neck are usually quite self-conscious. Chin liposuction is a simple, straightforward procedure that can significantly improve their overall appearance, thusly improving their confidence.
Ideal Candidates
If you struggle with an undefined jawline and unwanted fullness beneath your chin, chin liposuction is an excellent solution. Still, not everyone will qualify for this surgery.
To know if you’re an ideal candidate, your best course of action is to schedule e consultation with Dr. Smita R. Ramanadham. Most good candidates:
- Are looking for a procedure to help with the appearance of a double chin or under-the-neck fullness
- Want a more defined chin and neckline
- Are in good overall health
- Do not have chronic diseases or ongoing medical conditions, which may put them at risk during or after surgery
- Are not smokers
- Have good skin elasticity
Submental Liposuction Preparation
Before your surgery, Dr. Smita may provide you with preparation instructions that will be required prior to your surgery date. These may include:
- Lab tests and a general medical evaluation to determine if you’re ready for surgery
- Stopping, altering, or starting certain medications
- Stopping smoking or taking steps to quit at least several weeks prior to surgery (smoking will also need to cease for at least a few weeks after surgery)
- Stopping certain over-the-counter drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen
It is also critical to prepare your home and work schedule for the required recovery period. Although recovery should not be intense, you should arrange for some downtime at home. You will be required to have someone available to take you home from the procedure, and it’s wise to have someone you can call on for help over the first few days as well.
Chin Liposuction Risks
Before committing to surgery, it’s important to understand the possible risks and complications. This procedure is performed frequently, and it is extremely rare for patients to experience problems.
At the same time, all surgeries come with certain risks, and it’s important to understand these before moving forward.
Rare but possible complications include:
- Anesthesia-related complications
- Nerve, muscle, or blood vessel damage
- Excessive bleeding
- Blood clots
- Asymmetry in the face, chin, or neck
- Excessive swelling
- Severe discomfort
- Scarring
- Discoloration
- Irregularities of the skin
- Infection
- Problems with healing
Dr. Smita Ramanadham will explain all of the possible complications and risks before your procedure. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them at your consultation or at any point before your procedure.
Chin Liposuction Recovery
Recovery from offers one of the easiest recovery experiences, especially when compared to other cosmetic procedures. Patients are usually able to return to their normal activities after only one to three days. In fact, sometimes, patients are even able to go back to school or work after just one day.
There will be some slight discomfort and swelling, which will be worst in the first few days after the procedure. These symptoms should subside rather quickly, however.
Directly after your procedure, you will wear a bandage and a chin strap to support the treated area. Some patients will also have a drain to help reduce swelling and avoid the accumulation of fluid. Depending on your age and skin elasticity, the extent of your liposuction, and several other factors, Dr. Smita may decide to have you wear your bandages and chin strap for several days or weeks.
Your surgeon will provide you with additional post-surgery instructions as well. Exactly what you are told to do will, once again, depend on various factors. Most patients will be instructed to:
- Care for the treated area and change the bandages as needed
- Keep their head elevated
- Avoid sun exposure
- Avoid making any sudden, jerky movements with their head or neck
Chin Liposuction Cost New Jersey
Many factors will determine the ultimate chin liposuction cost New Jersey patients pay. Let’s go over some of the main costs and fees you’ll see on your itemized quote in a New Jersey chin liposuction cost breakdown.
Surgeon’s Fee
Despite the small size of the chin and the few incisions needed for this surgery, chin liposuction is a procedure that requires extensive skill and expertise. As such, plastic surgeons who perform this surgery must be well-trained and experienced. Naturally, the most experienced and skilled surgeons charge more.
Facility Fees
Operating rooms are expensive places. The equipment, supplies, and staff all come with high price tags. Likewise, surgical facilities and hospitals are operated like any other business and want to turn a profit.
When it comes to most surgical facility fees, expect to see a higher number for longer surgeries. The longer you are in the operating room, the more expensive this charge will be.
Preoperative Labs & Tests
Before undergoing surgery, many patients will be required to get labs or other tests. Some patients also need medical clearance from their regular doctor. Although all of these fees will not be included in your itemized quote, they will need to be paid for by the patient.
Anesthesia Fees
Different anesthesiologists charge different amounts for their services. Like surgeons, the more skilled an anesthesiologist is, the more they are likely to charge. The cost of anesthesia will also vary depending on what type of anesthesia is utilized (general anesthesia, local anesthesia, etc.).
Postoperative Costs
Finally, after surgery, you’ll have some out-of-pocket expenses included in your New Jersey chin liposuction cost. For example, expect to buy your own postoperative garments and wound care supplies, and don’t forget about the cost of prescriptions, OTC medicines, and other required supplies during your recovery.
Complementary Procedures
Patients who seek surgery may be interested in additional procedures, which can be performed during the same surgery.
Often patients can also benefit from a neck lift. This is especially true when there is excess fat beneath the chin but the skin is also sagging and lacks elasticity. When this happens, just removing the fat may result in even more saggy skin. A neck lift combined with submental liposuction can get rid of both fat and unwanted skin.
Patients may also opt to get liposuction elsewhere on their body or choose skin enhancing procedures such as injectables, chemical peels, or microneedling. Feel free to speak with Dr. Smita about what bothers you about your skin or contours. She will perform a medical evaluation to determine what other procedures may complement your procedure.
Chin Liposuction Surgery FAQ
Below are the most common questions we receive about Chin Liposuction:
Does Chin Liposuction Hurt?
Chin liposuction does not hurt while it is being performed because you will receive anesthesia. After the procedure, you may experience some light soreness, but you can use the pain management methods and tools provided for you by Dr. Smita and her staff.
Are There Alternatives to Chin Liposuction?
In some cases, an injectable product called Kybella can be used to lessen neck fullness. Chin liposuction offers a more significant improvement and longer-lasting results, however.
How Long Are You Swollen?
You’ll see your swelling decrease about a week after surgery. After about three to four weeks, the majority of your swelling should be gone. Some slight residual swelling may persist for up to six months or more.
What Can You Not Do After Chin Liposuction?
Take it easy after chin liposuction. Don’t do any vigorous exercises, and avoid any jerky movements with your head and neck. Also, avoid getting your chin wet. Keep the area dry and clean.
How Long Does It Take for Chin Liposuction to Heal
Most of the healing will take place during the first week after surgery. After that, you’ll notice significant improvements in your chin’s appearance. There may, however, continue to be some light bruising and swelling, which will slowly dissipate over time.
What Can You Not Do After Chin Liposuction?
Take it easy after chin liposuction. Don’t do any vigorous exercises, and avoid any jerky movements with your head and neck. Also, avoid getting your chin wet. Keep the area dry and clean.
Is Chin Liposuction Worth It?
Those who struggle with a “double chin” and excess fat below the chin are often amazed at what chin liposuction can do for their appearance. The procedure is simple and straightforward and can transform your facial profile.
Will Fat Come Back After Chin Liposuction?
Fat cells are permanently removed during chin liposuction. They will not grow back. It is, however, important to maintain your weight after surgery as the fat cells left behind may still grow in size.
How much does chin liposuction cost?
Prices vary. Book your consultation to speak with the doctor about prices and see before and after photos.
Are there Double Chin Liposuction Surgeon Near Me?
Yes. Dr. Smita is a Top Female Plastic Surgeon specializing in Double Chin Liposuction in New Jersey.
What can I expect from chin liposuction after 1 week?
You will not see much results from Chin liposuction after 1 week. Results vary by patient.
Will I have a chin liposuction scar?
The incisions performed during chin liposuction are usually small and discreetly placed, making them inconspicuous to most observers. After the procedure, the majority of individuals will not detect any noticeable chin liposuction scar.
In the rare case where slight scarring might be visible, it tends to diminish gradually as time passes.
Contact Us
A trim neckline without excess fat will give you a graceful and attractive profile. If you are embarrassed about having a “double chin” or feel that you have no definition along your neckline, we invite you to contact our New Jersey office and schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Smita R. Ramanadham.
Chin liposuction procedure could be just what you need to boost your confidence and give you the facial profile you’ve always wanted.