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How Visible Are Blepharoplasty Scars?

How Visible Are Blepharoplasty Scars

Blepharoplasty scars result from incisions made during blepharoplasty surgery, also known as eyelid surgery. There are several types of eyelid surgery, including upper eyelid surgery (upper blepharoplasty), lower eyelid surgery (lower blepharoplasty), and double eyelid surgery (sometimes called Asian blepharoplasty).

When blepharoplasty is performed in New Jersey by an experienced board certified plastic surgeon, it is rare to have noticeable scarring once healed. However, bad blepharoplasty scars may result if the chosen surgeon is not skilled or experienced at performing this procedure or if the healing process does not go smoothly.

The former can be avoided by doing your research when looking for a blepharoplasty surgeon. The latter can be avoided by closely following all of your surgeon’s instructions during blepharoplasty recovery. Most patients are happy with their healed blepharoplasty scars, which are typically almost impossible to see.

Why Blepharoplasty Incisions May Be Necessary

Most blepharoplasty surge3ries require incisions, but not necessarily all. Furthermore, in some situations (with lower blepharoplasty, for example) incisions can actually be made inside the eyelid for reduced visibility.

Overall, here are the main reasons eyelid surgery might require incision lines.

Removal of skin to create an eyelid crease

If the patient desires an eyelid crease (as in double eyelid surgery), an incision typically needs to be made along the mid upper lid in order to suture the eyelid to the underlying muscle, thus creating the crease. In some cases, when only sutures are required to create the crease, incisions are not needed.

Removal of excess skin or fat that is causing hooding

When the patient has excess skin on the upper lids, it can cause hooding, which is generally undesirable and can create vision problems. Excess fat on the upper lid can also cause hooding. Incisions may, therefore, need to be made in order to remove this redundant excess skin and/or excess fat.

Access to the underlying muscle

Sometimes, the muscle beneath the eyelid (levator muscle) is causing the eyelids to droop. In this case, the muscle would need to be adjusted, and in order to access it, an incision would need to be made.

What Blepharoplasty Scars Look Like: The Healing Process

Right After Surgery

Immediately following eyelid surgery, your incisions will be red and raised. Tiny stitches will have been used to close the incisions, and these will still be present and holding your eyelid skinHealed blepharoplasty scars together.

Some of the symptoms you’ll experience during the initial period of blepharoplasty recovery will include swelling, bruising, redness, and some soreness. If you notice, abnormal swelling, one-sided swelling, intense pain, or other worrisome symptoms, be sure to contact your surgeon right away.

Some surgeons will allow their patients to use ice packs to help with swelling and discomfort. Prescription pain medications can also be prescribed to keep you more comfortable although many patients are able to use over-the-counter pain medications right away or after just a few days.

1-2 Weeks After Surgery

As time goes on, you’ll notice your swelling and bruising reducing, and your incisions should heal together nicely. The redness should become less pigmented and turn to a lighter pink or mauve color.

Most patients are able to have their stitches removed after approximately 5 to 10 days. After this time, the pigmentation of your scars should start to blend even more with your surrounding skin, and they should become flatter and less visible.

3-4 Weeks After Surgery

By the one-month mark, most patients are able to return to their normal activities. Do keep in mind, however, that swelling may persist for several more months.

In terms of scarring, your upper or lower blepharoplasty scars should be difficult to see at this time, especially when your eyes are open. The skin should be more pliable, and the scar lines should be fading and blending with the rest of your skin. Although you might have some slight pigmentation left in your scars, they should become even less noticeable as time goes on.

Visible Scar Issues Following Blepharoplasty

Although rare, there are several things that can go wrong with incisions and scars following blepharoplasty.

Visible Scarring

The first issue is simply having scars on your lower or upper eyelids that are visible. Sometimes for no apparent reason, minimal scarring may still be noticeable on the delicate eyelid skin following surgery. Typically, this happens when the incision and the natural eyelid crease were not aligned properly or when the eyelid surgery scars were extended too far outward and/or inward toward the nose.

Lumpy Scars After Blepharoplasty

When lumps occur following any type of cosmetic surgery, it is usually scar tissue that is to blame. Typically, these bumps are only temporary, and the scar tissue softens with time.

Sometimes, however, they persist, and the scar tissue thickens more permanently. In this case, your surgeon might recommend moisturizing the area and massaging it to loosen and soften the scar tissue.

Keloid Scars

Lastly, keloid lower or upper eyelid skin scars may occur. Keloids are raised scars that actually extend outward from the original incision, making them even bigger than the incision site over time. These scars are usually treated with a separate cosmetic procedure such as laser scar surgery or with corticosteroid injections.


Can insurance cover blepharoplasty?

Lumpy scars after blepharoplastyTypically, insurance companies will cover blepharoplasty or ptosis repair if the eyelids create a “visually significant” obstruction of the upper visual field that impacts daily activities.

How can I minimize scarring after blepharoplasty?

Be sure to follow your surgeon’s recovery process instructions, rest and don’t push yourself too much physically, gently massage the area (if cleared by your board certified cosmetic surgeon), and stay out of the sun as sun exposure can exacerbate scars.

Do blepharoplasty scars go away?

In most cases, blepharoplasty scars go away with time. They will not ever completely disappear as this is impossible, but for the vast majority of patients, they are hardly noticeable after recovery.

Should men get blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a popular plastic surgery procedure for men, known for its ability to open up the eyes and restore a more youthful, friendly, and attractive appearance.

Book a Consultation with Dr. Smita

If you have excess eyelid skin or excess skin and fat on your upper or lower lids, blepharoplasty can facilitate significant improvements. Furthermore, in most cases lower or upper eyelid scars are virtually non-existent.

Call today to set up an appointment for a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Smita Ramanadham.


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