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Microneedling Benefits and Risks

Microneedling Benefits And Risks

If you have skin concerns and you want a non-surgical procedure to fight aging skin, you might consider microneedling.

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that punctures the skin with tiny needles. Because of the small punctures, your skin boosts collagen and elastin production. As a result, the skin heals over a few days, and younger, fresher-looking skin appears.

Your healthcare provider will make tiny pricks on the skin with a small roller or pen-like device. The pinpricks are so tiny that you probably won’t even see them. Then, the doctor moves the device smoothly across the skin, so the skin grows as even as possible.

Before starting the treatment, your healthcare provider will place a topical anesthetic on the skin to reduce discomfort.

Some of the issues that microneedling can address include:

  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines
  • Enlarged pores
  • Sunspots
  • Loose skin
  • Uneven texture
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Stretch marks
  • Help skin elasticity
  • Improve collagen production

The procedure takes between 10 and 20 minutes, and you usually need several treatments for the best results.

If you’re thinking “what is microneedling?, below is essential information to consider.

Microneedling Benefits

The most significant benefit of skin needling is boosting collagen production, which declines with age. As the skin produces more collagen, your skin will look fresher and tighter.

Clinical studies show that people who have one skin needling session per month for four months substantially improve wrinkles, fine lines, stretch marks, skin laxity, and skin texture.

Also, microneedling can treat atrophic acne scars because the tiny needles puncture scar tissue and help it rebuild. Another study looked at the effects of skin needling on 50 people with significant acne scarring.

After 60 days, all study subjects saw skin improvements and healthy skin rejuvenation, even the most severe cases.

Microneedling Results

Most patients see benefits from this procedure almost right away. As soon as the tiny wounds are created on your skin, your skin’s healing process takes over.

Your facial skin may look radiant and plump for about two weeks after the microneedling treatment. However, it can take six to eight weeks for the final results to appear; that’s when the effects of higher collagen levels become apparent.

Most patients need at least two or three sessions, but you should talk to your healthcare provider to decide what’s required in your situation.

Ideal Microneedling Candidate

Benefits Of MicroneedlingMicroneedling is a good choice for people who want to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles without surgery. It also can help with minor acne scars, skin laxity, and uneven texture of the skin Microneedling is considered safe for those with sensitive skin.

If you want more significant improvements to your face, you may need a facelift or other surgical procedure. It is important to consider skin tone and note however that for some patients with darker skin tones, microneedling may not always have the same positive results.

Microneedling Risks And Side Effects

You can expect some skin redness and irritation in the first two or three days after microneedling. But these are merely signs that your skin is recovering. Most redness should fade after three days.

Some patients also comment that their face feels tight and swollen after the first 24 hours. Others say it’s sensitive to the touch, and the top skin layer may flake away.

Some other potential risks include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Peeling
  • Bruising

This procedure is safe for most patients, but you shouldn’t have it if you have had radiation treatments in the last 12 months. Also, people who have a skin disease or are pregnant shouldn’t have microneedling.

If you have problems with wound healing or facial scarring, you should talk to your doctor about whether this treatment will work for you.

Microneedling Preparation

Before this procedure, talk to your physician about preparing so you enjoy the best results.

You might need to stop taking ibuprofen or other medications that thin the blood. And you also may need to pause acne treatment, such as Accutane, and may need to stop taking it for at least six months before the procedure.

You also shouldn’t have laser procedures for hair removal from your face, and you also shouldn’t shave the treatment area for about a week before treatment.

Doctors also note you shouldn’t have cold sores in the microneedling treatment area. So, you may need to reschedule your appointment until after your sore heals.

If you have sunburn or dermatitis, you should wait to have microneedling until you recover.

Other Cosmetic Procedures

Microneedling RisksMicroneedling is a good choice for a non-surgical way to make the skin look younger, and you may consider microneedling combined with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which is sometimes called a ‘vampire facial’ or collagen induction therapy.

Your physician will perform the microneedling procedure and then spread the PRP on the face, accelerating the skin healing process.

You also may consider a chemical peel to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and address sun damage.

Laser treatments also offer similar benefits as microneedling, but the results are faster. In addition, a laser procedure may involve more skin swelling and redness, but you won’t need as many treatments.

Questions and Answers

What are the benefits of microneedling?

Microneedling enhances skin quality and texture instantly. It diminishes pockmarks and scars, minimizes blackheads, addresses acne and cystic acne, exfoliates skin effectively, reduces fine lines, wrinkles, making you look younger, diminishes hyperpigmentation, achieving an even skin tone.

How long do microneedling results last?

Typically, the effects of SkinPen microneedling endure for four to six weeks. This duration relies on your natural cellular turnover cycle and the longevity of newly generated collagen in the skin.

Is microneedling really effective?

Indeed, microneedling is effective and versatile in addressing various skin concerns across different body areas. Its efficacy stems largely from harnessing the body’s natural healing response.

What are the microneedling risks?

Skin damage often accompanies the use of microneedling devices, manifesting as bleeding, bruising, redness, tightness, itching, and peeling. Fortunately, these effects usually resolve on their own within days or weeks without treatment.

Request A Microneedling Consultation

Considering microneedling in New Jersey? Dr. Smita. R. Ramanadham of SR Plastic Surgery New Jersey can help you obtain the results you want. Dr. Ramanadham will go over your options, goals, and more to determine if you’re a good candidate for this cosmetic procedure.


 Microneedling Overview. (n.d.). Accessed at

What Is Microneedling? (n.d.). Accessed at

About Microneedling. (n.d.). Accessed at

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