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6 Ways to Analyze Brow Lift Before and After Photos

6 Ways To Analyze Brow Lift Before And After Photo

Browsing brow lift before and after photos is an excellent way to get to know the brow lift procedure better. By looking at pictures of past patients, you can clearly see where improvements have been made, what looks natural, and what you hope to achieve through your own surgery.

In this article, we’ll be discussing some key tips for analyzing brow lift before and after galleries. There are some special things to look for that you won’t want to miss.

1. Be sure you’re browsing pictures of the same brow lift procedure type you’re considering.

There are actually three different types of brow lift surgery: endoscopic brow lift surgery, coronal brow lift surgery (classic), and temporal brow lift surgery. Each one requires a different incision pattern and achieves a more youthful looking forehead and brow line in a different way.

It’s important to ensure you are studying photos that are in line with the procedure you are considering. For example, if you’ve already spoken with a surgeon and you know you need an endoscopic forehead lift, only look at endoscopic brow lift before and after photos in that case.

Doing this will give you the most accurate idea of what can be achieved with your proposed surgery.

2. Look for patients with similar qualities and pre-surgery concerns.

If you have visible lines on your forehead, try to find patients who also have visible forehead lines in their “before” pictures. Again, this will give you a better idea of how these concerns can be improved upon with a brow lift procedure.

Conversely, examining patients who have totally different concerns and are older/younger than you will give you a false sense of outcome. Finding someone quite similar to you is more helpful when determining possible results.

3. Check for visible scarring.

While scars may be visible during the first few months following surgery, after a year or longer, patients should not have visible brow lift scars along their hairline. Instead, the patient’s hair will ideally cover the incision sites, creating a natural camouflage for scars.

4. Take note of how natural patients look in their “after” photos.

Nearly everyone seeking plastic surgery wants natural-looking results. Many patients fear brow lift surgery because they don’t want to look unnaturally wide eyed or perpetually “surprised” once they’ve healed.

The best surgeons can achieve a more youthful appearance while also keeping their patient’s appearance entirely natural. This is what you should be looking for when examining before and afters in search of a quality plastic surgeon.

5. Read descriptions. Make sure the patient hasn’t had additional procedures performed.

In some cases, brow lift patients may undergo other procedures (such as a facelift, neck lift, lip lift, eyelid lift, laser skin resurfacing, etc.) at the same time as their brow lift.

If you want a brow lift only, you need to take note of this. Otherwise, you may like the results a patient has achieved without realizing that part of their outcome was due to other procedures.

6. Photo quality matters. Look for well-shot, consistent photos.

Plastic surgeons vary on how well their photos are taken, so take note of this. In order to properly analyze any type of before and after photos, it’s important that the before and after sets are clearly marked, include descriptions, and have the proper setup.

Both before and after pictures should be clearly lit, be consistent in camera angle and distance from the subject, and feature patients in the same pose. Without these elements in place, it can be terribly difficult to determine the true results of a given patient’s procedure.

Brow Lift Botox Before and After Photos

Endoscopic Brow Lift Before And AfterBefore we outline what to look for with Botox brow lift before and after photos specifically, what is a brow lift with Botox?

Simply put, a brow lift with Botox is the raising of the brow line and improvement of forehead wrinkles using Botox alone. No incisions or long brow lift recovery periods are necessary, which many patients prefer.

Another benefit of this type of procedure is that your overall brow lift cost will be lower. However, keep in mind that this is true only for a while. Because repeat Botox treatments will be needed, over time, the cumulative cost of your Botox brow lift appointments may end up being higher than the cost of a single brow lift surgery.

What to Look for in Botox Brow Lift Before and After Photos

When looking at Botox brow lift before and after photo sets, look for the same things as outlined above for surgical brow lifts. You want to see patients with similar characteristics to you, natural results, and carefully set up and evenly lit photos.

Botox brow lifts don’t require incisions, so don’t worry about scars. However, Botox can end up looking unnatural. So, if you’re analyzing before and after photos to help you choose a surgeon, be sure to find a group of patients who look great post-Botox brow lift — with even, natural results.

FAQ: Brow Lift Surgery

Is a brow lift the same as an eyelid lift (upper blepharoplasty)?

Botox Brow Lift Before And AfterNo. Despite being performed in the same area of the face, a brow lift is not the same procedure as an eyelid lift (blepharoplasty).

Upper and lower blepharoplasty refers to surgery on the eyelids only. An upper lid blepharoplasty (upper eyelid lift) removes excess skin and fat from the upper eyelid to create a more youthful appearance, more open-looking eyes, and improved vision.

Like upper blepharoplasty, lower lid blepharoplasty (lower eyelid lift) removes excess skin and fat from the lower eyelid where puffiness and unwanted skin folds can sometimes occur. When it comes to the prevalence of upper and lower eyelid surgery, lower eyelid blepharoplasty is less commonly performed when compared with upper lid surgery.

Of course, a brow lift procedure (also called a forehead lift) aims to create a smoother, wrinkle-free forehead surface and a lifted brow line. Incidentally, brow lift surgery can also lift the upper eyelids. So, if you want both the benefits of both an upper blepharoplasty and a brow lift, it’s usually best to choose a brow lift.

How can I fix droopy eyebrows?

If you struggle with droopy eyebrows, a tired appearance, and lines around the eyes and on the forehead, you’ll need a facial plastic surgery such as a brow lift. Contact Dr. Smita Ramanadham today to set up a consultation for brow lift surgery.

Schedule a Consultation Appointment Today

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Smita Ramanadham performs brow lift procedures for adult men and women of all ages at her New Jersey practice. Learn more about this procedure and whether you qualify as a candidate by scheduling a consultation appointment with Dr. Ramanadham today.


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