How to Have a Smooth Breast Revision Recovery
Written by Dr. Smita Ramanadham. Posted in Blog.
For some patients, breast revision recovery is less intensive when compared with initial breast surgery recovery. However, this isn’t always the case for everyone, so it’s best to be fully prepared for either outcome.
The good news is that if you’re undergoing a breast implant revision, this means you’ve already been through breast augmentation surgery recovery once (after your primary surgery). So, you will know what to expect to some extent.
Naturally, your plastic surgeon will provide you with a list of detailed instructions for your healing journey. But below, we’ve also outlined some additional tips to make the experience go that much smoother for you.
First, let’s examine a bit more about breast revision surgery in general.
What Is Breast Implant Revision Surgery?
Breast revision surgery is a plastic surgery procedure wherein existing breast implants are removed and replaced with new saline or silicone implants. Some patients may choose to only have their implants removed or to get a breast lift after implant removal. However, most revision surgeries involve implant replacement.
Why a woman might decide to have her breast implants replaced can vary. Many women make this decision because they are unhappy with how their initial breast implant surgery turned out. Or, possibly over time, she decided that she wanted smaller, larger, or differently shaped implants.
Still, other women have medical problems that necessitate implant removal and/or replacement. Breast implant illness (BII), capsular contracture, or general implant discomfort can lead to revision surgery.
Breast Implant Revision Recovery Tips
Sometimes, we can’t know if your breast implant revision procedure recovery time will be easier or harder than recovery from your initial surgery. Therefore, the purpose of the following tips is to prepare for a recovery experience that is somewhat similar to your initial surgery’s recovery — with all the details that can help make your breast implant removal and replacement as comfortable and carefree as possible.
Ask your surgeon to review their recovery instructions.
Your plastic surgeon will provide you with a packet of instructions for your aftercare. While these will be yours to take home, you should also ask your surgeon to go over them with you before you are discharged so that you know exactly how best to take care of yourself during the healing process.
Wear the recommended compression garment.
Most breast implant revision patients will need to wear a compression garment after surgery. Be sure that you are wearing this as directed. It can help to reduce swelling, keep you more comfortable, and minimize lumpy scar tissue.
Watch yourself for signs of rare, but potential, signs of complications.
Just as with your previous breast surgery and any type of plastic surgery, there are some rare but potential complications that can occur during or after your procedure. Make sure that you are aware of the signs to watch out for. Your surgeon will go over these with you before you are discharged after surgery.
Avoid strenuous physical activities and heavy lifting.
All breast implant revision patients will need to avoid any type of strenuous activity, including sports, running, bicycling, swimming, etc. You will also need to avoid heavy lifting, and remember that this includes lifting pets or children.
Sleep on your back and elevate your upper body.
Breast revision surgery patients will be instructed to sleep on their backs with their upper bodies slightly elevated. Make sure that you also wedge pillows beside you so that you can prevent yourself from rolling onto your side or stomach while you are sleeping.
Practice gentle self-massage.
If your surgeon doesn’t have a problem with it, you can employ self-massage after your incisions have healed together. This can prevent and help get rid of lumpy scar tissue.
Be patient and stay positive.
Your mind and mental and emotional state will also play a role in your recovery. Be sure that you are staying motivated and engaged in your recovery. Try not to let yourself get too bored or discouraged that you are not making faster progress. Recovery photos taken daily can help motivate you in this way, as can keeping a journal.
FAQ: Breast Revision Surgery Recovery
Will my breast revision surgery recovery time be easier or harder than initial breast augmentation surgery?
Everyone’s breast reconstruction revision surgery recovery period will be different. Unfortunately, this means that just because your friend’s breast implant revision recovery time was quick and smooth, this doesn’t mean yours will be too. On the other hand, you may have a very easy breast implant revision recovery time compared to someone else.
Can a breast revision surgery be performed with breast lift surgery?
Certainly. If a patient desires new implants as well as a breast lift, this can typically be accommodated.
How much is a breast implant revision?
The cost of breast implant revision varies. Please make an appointment to meet directly with your surgeon for a consultation before you expect a comprehensive estimate.
Book a Consultation Appointment With Us
Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Smita Ramanadham can help you find the perfect breast implants for you. Whether you’re interested in a revision procedure only or you’re also looking for a breast lift or are interested in other procedures, we are here to guide you. Please get in touch with us at your earliest convenience to book a consultation appointment.