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Tips for a Smooth BBL Recovery

BBL Recovery

Despite the greatly desired outcomes that a Brazilian butt lift can provide, many patients worry about the BBL recovery period. Of course, this may be caused by hyped-up accounts of difficult recoveries on social media or even unfortunate stories about the frightening rise in “bargain BBLs” — where patients are persuaded to undergo surgery at non-accredited “pop-up” clinics for a lower BBL cost … and botched outcomes.

No matter the reason, we often receive questions about BBL recovery from patients who are concerned about how they will sit, sleep, bathe, and carry out a normal life until they are healed. We are happy to report that BBL recovery actually can be smooth and relatively peaceful for the vast majority of patients who choose well-established, experienced, and board certified plastic surgeons.

Naturally, recovery from any major surgery will come with side effects. Some days will be better than others. And patience will always be key to a successful outcome.

But in this article, we hope to give you the confidence you need to take the next step on your BBL journey. Below, we have outlined our best tips for facilitating a successful BBL recovery week by week and day by day.

Our Top BBL Recovery Tips

1. Start planning far in advance.

One of the best tips we can offer is to start planning for the recovery process far in advance. The planning process will look different for everyone, but in general, it’s important to:

  • Make sure you take the appropriate amount of time off from school or work (ask your surgeon for the recommended time period).
  • Enlist help from friends and/or family.
  • Make plans for childcare and/or pet care as your abilities may be limited for a while.
  • Purchase any items that you and your surgeon may deem necessary for a successful recovery (specialty BBL pillows or chairs, supplements, compression garment items, etc.).

2. Do be prepared to avoid sitting.

During your BBL recovery time (usually for at least two weeks), you need to give the newly transferred fat cells (the excess fat removed during liposuction) a chance to survive. And the only way the fat cells can survive when they are transferred is when they are left alone during the healing process.

This will relieve pressure on the blood supply and allow for adequate blood flow. Each of the fat cells needs its own blood supply to survive.

Putting prolonged pressure on your fat cells during initial recovery (by sitting, for example) can restrict blood flow and cause the cells to be reabsorbed by the body. This means poor BBL results.

Because you can’t sit, you’ll need to get creative. Especially during the first few weeks of your BBL recovery time, you will need to either avoid sitting altogether or:

  • Sit backward on your chair with your buttocks off the back (front) of the chair
  • Sit on your thighs only
  • Use a doughnut-shaped pillow especially designed for the BBL procedure

3. Decide how you’ll get groceries and meals and run errands.

BBL Recovery TimeRemember that no sitting during your Brazilian butt lift recovery means you won’t be able to drive for a while. For this reason, it’s a good idea to pick up prescribed pain medication before your surgery. Then, once you have reached the BBL recovery stage, you may also want to enlist a friend or family member who can run necessary errands for you.

You might also want to consider a grocery and/or meal delivery service.

During the BBL recovery process, mild BBL recovery pain, fatigue, fluid retention, swelling, and other symptoms may mean that you are not too thrilled about cooking. Or, you may be essentially unable to cook (remember, there’s no heavy lifting during recovery, and you’ll need to take it easy). But a strong recovery period means eating a healthy diet.

Meal delivery services can provide healthy, pre-made (or easy-to-make) meals delivered right to your door. Many patients choose this option for the weeks following surgery and are glad they did.

4. Follow every one of your surgeon’s instructions diligently.

Last, but not least, be sure you are following all of your plastic surgeon’s instructions closely. They want to see your transferred fat cells survive as much as you do so that you can have amazing results. Therefore, with everything they tell you to do (or not do), it is in your best interest to follow their instruction.

This means:

  • Wearing your compression garments as directed to minimize swelling
  • Taking care of your incision sites as directed
  • Not putting too much pressure on the areas where you have injected fat (hips, buttocks)
  • Following instructions on lifting, exercise, and general physical activity
  • Avoiding sun exposure (to avoid hyperpigmented scars)
  • Getting adequate sleep (and sleeping in the correct position)
  • Making sure you attend all follow-up appointments

How Long Is BBL Recovery?

It will take at least eight weeks to see substantial results after a Brazilian buttock lift. Complete results from your surgery may not be visible for several more months as swelling dies down.

Of course, everyone’s BBL recovery timeline will be different. Therefore, always speak with your surgeon to know how long recovery should be after your BBL procedure.

Book a Consultation Appointment for BBL Surgery

How Long Is BBL RecoveryToday, Brazilian butt lifts are some of the most frequently performed plastic surgery procedures in America. They can give patients a beautiful figure, few (if any) BBL scars, and outstanding results. If you are interested in Brazilian butt lift surgery, please contact our New Jersey office today for more information.

Female board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Smita Ramanadham would be happy to meet with you to talk about the ins and outs of the Brazilian butt lift procedure and how fat grafting works, your BBL recovery timeline, and more. You’ll be able to look at BBL before and after photos, discuss your goals and concerns, and ask any questions you may have. Call today to book your appointment.


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